January 1, 2013

SNK Neo•Geo Podcast Episodes

Need something good to listen to when you're working out at the gym? Try some of these great Neo•Geo podcasts! This "24-bit" powerhouse of an arcade/home console is guaranteed to make you feel tougher! Join Retronauts, AllGenGamers, GamingHistory 101 and Replay as they discuss one of the most badass (and expensive) consoles in game collecting!

♫ Retronauts: Episode 22 - Retronauts vs. 100 Mega Shock
Retronauts' most "expensive" podcast episode remembering this holy grail of arcade and home gaming history

♫ AllGenGamers: Episode 5 - Don't be a weenie
The guys from AllGenGamers are joined by Neo•Geo expert John Thacker to discuss the ins and outs of collecting for the console

♫ Gaming History 101: 4 bright buttons & 2 joysticks
The guys at Gaming History 101 school us on the history of SNK's masterpiece, the MVS & AES

♫ Replay Podcast: Episode 2 - NeoGeo
Across the pond the guys at Replay shares a video podcast all about the great NeoGeo

NOTICE! If you enjoy these podcasts, please support the creators by subscribing to them.

SNK Neo•Geo "Crash Course" Playlist

I couldn't afford a Neo•Geo AES on my weekly allowance back in 1991, and if I asked my folks for one, they would have died laughing. Unless I won the lottery, I just couldn't imaging coming up with $649 to spend on a game console, not to mention the games. I never did win the lottery, but that didn't stop me from dreaming about owning a Neo•Geo! Early '90s ads for that baby were like pinups on my wall. Drool... Well, if none of this sounds familiar to you, no need to worry.

I've scoured YouTube (so you don't have to) and emerged with an informative "crash course" in all things SNK and Neo•Geo! Will Lu from TheGameStation covers the hardware and history in a quick overview, while Gamespot and G4 follow up with a more in-depth look at SNK's background and the rise & fall of the Neo•Geo. I've also included one of my favorite original commercials for Art of Fighting 2 which is cheesy 90's goodness at it's best!

1. Will Lu covers the hardware & history
2. Gamespot's video game history month
3-5. G4 Icons provides an in-depth history of SNK & Neo•Geo
6. HappyConsoleGamer talks childhood memories
7. Original 1994 Art of Fighting 2 Commerical

NOTICE! If you enjoy these videos, please support the creators by subscribing to their channels.